Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Music, Shopping, TV, Movies, and Reading

My listening to music seemed to spark me on a search of Blogs involving Janet Jackson and I came across this one. It reminds me of the constant guard Americans feel the need to put up, just in case, you are offending someone else. While the blog seems long you can simply see a case by case study. The main example I see is Janet Jackson and her infamous WARDROBE MALFUNCTION over five years ago. However, this was more offensive then Prince and his shadow of the guitar in between his legs a year earlier. It seems to me as though both instances could be classified as "accidents", Janet Jackson received more negative press. Is it sexist that a man can get away with a guitar in between his legs and a woman can't have a wardrobe malfunction?

Cheers, Jeers, Loves, and Hates
I Object to Everything!!!

One of my last encounters with shopping involved food shopping for an up and coming camping trip with my boyfriend, his family, and myself. I realized as I went sifting through the isles that majority of the population you see making their way through the supermarket is females. While there is the occasional male or the husband, son, brother, or boyfriend being dragged along, most women are the ones who do the food shopping for a household.

The Lady Finger

A Less Than Manicured Look at Gender and Society

Of Feminists and Food


So TV. I chose to look at Blogs on the Secret Life of the American teenager because I thought with all the sex on that show and crazy unrealistic, at times, events, there has to be someone out there with an opinion on its craziness. While I personally watched the show as recently as this morning on my DVR, I think its crazy. Its kind of like taking a story from FML and making it into a tv show only the story isn't completely true. How many people do you know where on the eve of losing their virginity there father dies in a plane crash at the exact moment and they had an arguement about it that morning.


Sex Gender Body

Sex Kills on ABC Family


Feminist TV Characters.


Unapologetically Female

Feminists on TV


As a flight officer in the Civil Air Patrol, I spend a lot of my time reading regulations and lots of other literature on CAP. So it is not surprising that one of the most recent things I read was a reg on something I was looking up for a presentation. I thought since the Civil Air Patrol is a military affiliated organization, it would be interesting to see the blogs in response to females and CAP/ the military. While the blog I found sparks some frustration, it is completely relevant.

Talcon 12


Civil Air Patrol
